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We all like to post images of creative dishes on Instagram. In fact, a whopping 39% of Brits purposely arrange their food on the plate to share it online. This phenomenon led to an interesting question from Birdseye: what if we could pay for our food with a photo?

Birdseye chose to try the idea out, opening a pop-up restaurant at Icetank, called The Picture House Restaurant. The pay-by-photo restaurant was a world first, exploring the idea of social media as a new form of currency.

Diners enjoyed a two-course meal and were treated to tutorials from top food photographer Marie Marte during the pop-up. Instead of currency, diners traded their meals for promotion of Birdseye’s new premium range: Inspirations. To pay they simply had to use the #BirdsEyeInspirations hashtag with their uploads.

The pop-up saw Icetank transformed into a fully functioning restaurant for the duration, just one example of what this blank canvas space can become. If you’re looking for somewhere unique for your next event get in touch with our team.

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