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Love My Dog Photo Shoot at Icetank
Film & Photo studio hire London
We had Designer pet boutique ‘LoveMyDog’ in Icetank, showcasing their new doggy clothing collection, shot by our sister company Packshot Factory, it was paw-some! With less demand for coffee, and fewer cigarette breaks, the furry models were certainly easier to work with than several (human) runway starlets.
We had a chat with the founder of LovemyDog, Lilly Shahravesh to find out how it all began;

Originally, Lily was in the world of (people) fashion as a successful knitwear and textiles designer. In the late nineties, Lily’s sister became the proud Mummy of a half Chihuahua- half miniature pincher, Missy. As a doting Aunty, Lily wanted to give Missy lavish presents but couldn’t find the desired high quality products that would fit her tiny frame.
Lily began to make Missy’s clothes gradually building up quite the collection, and it wasn’t long before people wanted to get their hands on the unique designs. Lily realised there was a gap in the market for couture dog clothing and she was determined to fill it.

Whether it’s a chic coat and hat that your pooch’s heart desires, or a stylish yet practical carry bag to be transported around in, you can trust each piece of the Lovemydog collection to be based on classic British designs with an urban twist.
Lily even travelled to Scotland to create their own tartan prints; ‘Hoxton Tartan’, ‘Pixley’ and ‘Appleby’. The designs are so super exclusive that the fabric used is protected by an act of parliament. If that’s not fancy enough for you, perhaps it’s worth mentioning that Vivienne Westwood and Professor Snowball (No, not a rapper you’re not cool enough to know the name of, but Jonathon Ross’ French Bulldog) are big fans of the brand.

Talking to Lily, it’s obvious that a lot of thought goes into her new creations, “The inspiration for the designs have different cultural backgrounds; from City surroundings, such as the texture of the paving stone or abandoned factory buildings at Canary wharf, to seventeenth century botanical drawings.”
Her latest collection was inspired by a visit to Goddard’s House, a National Trust property in Yorkshire. “There was a bedroom featuring some 1930’s cricket jumpers and rowing blazers that sparked the start of the ‘back to school’ collection.” Clearly, inspiration can strike in the most curious of places.
Do you want to know more about our ‘paw-fect’ pooches? Have a read of their portfolio here…

Name: Rabbit
Age: 9 years old and like a grumpy old man these days
Breed of dog: Half Norfolk Terrier and half Jack Russell
Story: Rabbit is the resident model for ‘Love my dog’, so getting in front of the camera is no bother at all, infact he knows all his right angles. He is also the first to try on any of the new designs
Fun fact: He’s been the company’s top performing employee for several years now. His job is to guard the studio against all couriers, postmen, squirrels, cats and unexpected visitors (although recently he hasn’t taken his job very seriously and is showing a real lack of motivation)
– Napping, snoozing, sleeping and snoring
– Any opportunity to eat goose fat
– Testing out new collections for wear and tear
– Having to share his bed, sofa or chair
– Travelling in the car (he gets travel sick)
– Small furry squeaky animals

Name: Masie
Age: 9
Breed of dog: Wire haired dachshund
Story: Masie was in foster care because her mum had, had a stroke. Holly (her new owner) stepped fell in love with her. They have been together for 18 months now.
Fun fact: She decided to mark her territory the moment she stepped on set.
– Playing with her best friend forever Lettice who is owned by Holly’s sister, Sasha.
– Masie is happy to take a step back and let Lettice take the spotlight, yet she’s always there to cheer her on.

Name: Lettice
Age: 3
Breed: Red miniature smooth haired dachshund
Story: Lettice is named after Lettice Curtis who was one of the first women pilots to join the British Air Transport Auxiliary.
Fun Fact:
– Lettice has her own Instagram page (lovely Lettice) with over 2,000 followers. She has also been the star of evening standard, Bobbi Brown, Mulberry and has visited Icetank on different occasions for events- High demand we see.
– She is the baby of the talented Sasha Wilkins whose best known for her blog
– She is also Masie’s bffl.

Name: BonBon
Age: 5
Breed: Black Pug
Fun Fact:
– She is Masie’s next door neighbour, and it was her first time in front of the camera.

Name: Ferris
Age: 3
Breed: Whippet
Fun fact:
– Essex boy and cool as a cucumber
– Named after Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
– Running free on the beach
– Loves his ‘Love my dog’ neck chief to show everyone who’s boss.

Name: Matilda
Age: 18 months
Breed: French Bulldog
Story: The proud baby of Lauren Stevenson, who is the co-founder of Aisle 8-
– toothbrushes (leaving a trail of bristles behind)
– bombing around in long grass
– fresh chicken (swallows whole without waiting to chew)
– cold weather unless wrapped up in a ‘LoveMyDog’ knit or snuggled under the covers
– loud music
– flea treatment